NATO and Russia at the End of First Decade of 21st Century: Mistrust, Common Interests, Co-operation?


Relations between NATO and the Russian Federation are one of key factors influencing overall policy of the whole North Atlantic Alliance. They are complicated and sophisticated questions still predisposed by the heritage of the Cold War.But there are mutual fears, common security problems they both have to counter. NATO policy must be established upon present-day reality. It is self-evident that there are common fields of common interests in which mutual balance must be reached. There are among others: armament, preventing arms proliferation, halting proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical agents, antimissiles defence, counter-terrorism, drugs smuggling, open sea security, common peace operations. After two years the Russian-Georgia war started, military cooperation between Russia and NATO was re-established. Separate problem in midterm prospects presents the solving of conflict in Afghanistan.

Miloš Balaban, Ph.D. (Col ret.), born in 1962. During period of 1983 - 2001 he acted in the Armed Forces and in MoD. Author and member of the management committees of two international projects EU / PHARE. Since 2001 he was working in the Centre for Social and Economic Strategies, Charles University in Prague (CESES). Since 2004 he has been a head of the CESES Centre for Security Policy. In 2008-2009 - member of working group "Foresight and Scenarios" European Security Research and Innovation Forum. Member of the Scientific Board of the Director General of Fire and Rescue Service. Author of dozens of studies and articles on security policy.

Country: Czech Republic


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