Neorealism and Contemporary US–Russian Military Competition in the Post-Soviet Space


In the light of neorealist theory, the Eastern enlargement of NATO satisfies basic feature of expansion: 9 former countries of the Warsaw Pact become members of NATO. USA as a Sea power reinforced its superiority at the detriment of the RF as a continental power. The annexation of Crimea, as a Russian answer, had intensified security fears of post – Soviet countries and of Poland and enlarged the space for external balancing of the USA. Author warns that a confrontational structure had become typical for the area or the Western part of the Post – Soviet space. It increases the number of military incidents, and, even, the threat of a direct military confrontation including a Russian use of tactical nuclear arms, being inspired by the Rogers plan from 1980´s.

Prof. Jan Eichler, born  1952. He graduated from the Military Political Academy in Bratislava. In the past he was also the deputy head of the department at the Institute for Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Defense (1991-1993), worked in the General Staff of the Czechoslovak Army (1990-1991) and at the Ministry of Defense of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (1982-1990). In 1985, he defended his dissertation (PhD), in 2004 defended his habilitation thesis (doc.), in 2014 he finished the process of inauguration, nevertheless, he has been officially nominated as professor of International politic relations in 2021. Since 1994, he works as a senior researcher at the Centre for European Politics In addition, he teaches at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Prague. His professional interests include transatlantic relations, strategic culture, international security, wars in today's world, terrorism, and security policy of France. He is a member of the doctoral study board of the FSV UK, MUP Praha, and FBMI ČVUT. He is author of 3 monographs in English, of 6 monographs in Czech and of a lot articles in the reviews in Czech Republic as well as abroad (France, USA, UK, Germany).   

Country: Czech Republic


1 comment

  • Comment Link Tuesday, 30 January 2018 15:44 posted by karel Kozák


    Str. 89 Autoři: Eichler Jan

    Velmi dobře zpracovaná problematika současné bezpečnostní situace. S využitím teorie neorealismu a na jeho základních pojmech je rozebírána expanse NATO do východní Evropy. Řeší se mimo jiné co je a co není expanse. Současně je hodnocena vojenská síla USA a Ruska. Autor se podrobně zabývá názory představitelů USA na ohrožení z vojensko-politické situace v Rusku. Za nebezpečné jsou považovány rovněž konfrontační proslovy.
    Za zvláštní lze považovat postoje amerických politologů vůči místu a úloze NATO v současné době.
    Z hlediska vojenské terminologie je přijatelně používán pojem vojenské výdaje či výdaje na zbrojení. Pro zachování estetiky zpracování je vhodnější text v tabulce na str. 102 zarovnat na střed (vzor může být např. tabulka na str. 62). Slohové úpravy by bylo možné provést na str. 97, 100, 102, 103. Podle pravidel českého pravopisu upravit procenta na str. 95. Jde o další příkladný článek, který má minimum mechanických chyb.


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