Strategic Communications: From a Reactive Fight Against Disinformation Towards Comprehensive Use in Support of National Security and Defence


The concept of strategic communications rose to prominence especially with the events linked to the Crimea annexation and Russian intervention in Eastern Ukraine. As such it has been mostly related to the reactive fight against disinformation and propaganda or other elements of the hybrid campaign. This paper aims to point to the much broader potential for the tool of strategic communications in support of goals in the realm of national security and defence, while it is understood as proactive efforts and specific mindset using the information effect to advance national interests. Based on the literature review, benefits of strategic communications beyond hybrid campaigns are identified also in the fields of foreign military operations, counterinsurgency, counter-terrorism, deterrence and crisis management. It describes the informational, particularly, the cognitive, dimensions of these security threats as well as of the measures to counter them.

Vendula Divišová, PhD, born 1990. She obtained her doctoral degree from Political Science, subfield Security and Strategic Studies, at the Faculty of Social Studies at the Masaryk University in Brno. Currently, she works at the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies at the University of Defence in Brno. Her research interests include the topics of strategic communications, extremism and radicalism and environmental security and its implications for defence and armed forces.

ORCID: 0000-0003-2038-8375

Country: Czech Republic


1 comment

  • Comment Link Sunday, 31 July 2022 11:11 posted by Karel Kozák

    Str. 34 Strategická komunikace: od reaktivního boje s dezinformacemi po komplexní využití v oblasti národní bezpečnosti a obrany státu.
    Vendula Divišová

    Obsáhlý článek v českém jazyce se na 18 stránkách zabývá pojmem strategická komunikace. Je uvedena krátká charakteristika pojmu, jeho vývoj a využití v oblasti obrany a bezpečnosti. Je přehledně uspořádán, velmi podrobně rozebírá požadavky a úkoly, Obšírně rozebírá disciplíny vztažené k strategické komunikaci, je náročný na porozumění.

    Pro zpřístupnění této problematiky širšímu okruhu uživatelů by bylo vhodné uvést pojem „strategická komunikace!“ v češtině (bez použití slova komunikace). Týká se i slova narativ. Reaktivní boj není běžný pojem.


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