Operational Areas and BG EU Deployment


Africa has became synonymous with conflict, increasingly violent and protracted. The continent is facing huge difficulties today and the EU is more and more involved in peace enforcement and expeditionary operations. Therefore the purpose of this article is to inform and pass knowledge of operational environment to those Czech soldiers designated to deploy overseas and abroad. It covers topics such as operational areas, understanding EU Battle Group operational Environment and Africa's operational environment. It is necessary for Czech soldiers to understand African operational environment very quickly and profoundly to avoid unfortunate misunderstanding of the local culture, customs, believes, religions, regional official and customary laws. It is a new challenge for the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic to be prepared for the CZE/SVK Battle Group. All information and data for this paper were drawn from unclassified sources.

Ing. Jaroslav Kulíšek, Lt.Col. (Ret.), born in 1953, Military University of Ground Forces (VVŠ PF) Vyškov, Military Academy (VAAZ) Brno, Netherlands Integrated Air-Ground Operations School, NIAGOS. He worked at the European Union Operation Command. In the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic he introduced operation standardization into forces, into operational planning and control of ground forces activities. While at the General Staff, he was involved in operational capabilities of integrated combat information surrounding NEC. He occupied himself with the implementation process of introducing operation standardization, command and control systems for expeditionary operations and operational engagement of EU battle groups He took part in UN peace missions: UNOMIGs; NATO: SFOR, NTMI; and the EU: EUFOR RD CONGO. He gained operational experiences in conflicts zones in the Caucasus and Iraq. Currently he works at the Joint Operation Centre, MoD (SOC MO), as a specialist in the field of managing crises and operational planning.

Country: Czech Republic


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