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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
- Nemohu souhlasit s komentářem, že článek je vysoce teoretický a… on Monday, 29 August 2022 21:19
- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
Reflections over Syrian Conflict in the Czech Republic
Authors: Mareš Miroslav
, Murad Michael
This study deals with the responses to recent Syrian conflict in the Czech Republic. The authors introduce particularly activities inside Syrian diaspora, actually formed during the time of communism. Syrians citizens living in the Czech Republic are not homogeneous, which is similar to the situation in Syria. In our country we can find both people loyal to the regime of Ba'ath Party and Bashar al-Assad, and also members of opposition that in fact has divided into two groups, since the mid-2012. The authors introduce reactions of various subjects from the Czech Republic. Published in Security Environment
Download article in original language:
- VR3_2013_Reflexe_syrskeho_konfliktu_1.pdf (6424 Downloads)