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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
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- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
On Strategy and Operations: A Short Insight into Military History
The basic orientation in the field of military art demands at least elementary knowledge of military history and understanding to military strategy influence on the art of war. The questions tied to understanding military strategy and its influence on the preparation and conducting military operations are part of study programmes of all life education at the Defence University. The purpose of this article, dedicated to military strategy problems, is deeper understanding to its basic connections, understanding a direction the strategy took in a designated period and its development. I ought to explain in short its role and attitude towards the nature of military operations.- VR1_2013_O_strategii.pdf (6218 Downloads)
Spišák Ján
Jan Spisak, PhD. (Col ret.), born 1958. He graduated from the Land Forces Military College
in Vyškov (1983), Brigade Command Course (2001) and General Staff Course in Brno (2007). Between 1995-2016 he worked in command, staff and teaching positions at the Land forces up to division level, Directorate of Training and Doctrine and the University of Defense. Currently he works as a head of Department of Military Strategic Studies at the Centre for Security and Military-Strategic Studies. He deals with the issues of military art, scenarios of the use of forces and development of military concepts. He is the author and co-author of several monographs and a number of professional articles in domestic and foreign magazines.
Country: Czech Republic
Latest from Spišák Ján
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- A Word from the Chairman of the Editorial Board
- Some Difficulties of Correlation between Strategy and Operational Art
- Operational Approach Development: Application of Operational Art Theory in Practice - 2nd part
- Operational Approach Development: Application of Operational Art Theory in Practice (1st part)
1 comment
- Comment Link Tuesday, 12 March 2019 15:19 posted by Karel Kozák
O strategii a operacích-krátký exkurs do historie vojenství
Autor: Spišák Ján
Kratší článek v českém jazyce. Zabývá se jednou z částí teorie vojenského umění. Pozornost je zaměřena ke studiu strategie a operací.
Strategie jsou rozděleny podle jednotlivých druhů, vždy doplněny charakteristikou. Výklad strategie je podán srozumitelně.
Článek je zpracován velmi odpovědně, může být přínosem pro studium a zdokonalení znalostí teorie vojenského umění. Mohlo by být vhodné uspořádat názvy strategií do tabulky nebo schématu.