The Analysis of Internal Regulations and Regulative Acts in Armed Forces (Part II)


Article analyses the relation between legal and internal regulations and other management acts in public administration, focusing on their own hierarchy, quantity, liability in specific areas of Czech armed forces. The first part was published in Military Review No. 4/2013; this following section focuses on the creation of internal management acts and their releasing for the recipients. The article also emphasizes the need for a stable organization, which is necessary for the effective implementation of personnel management, personnel control and the so-called internal and external legislations.

JUDr. Ing. Dalibor Nový, Ph.D., born in 1977, Faculty of Law, Masaryk Charles University, The Police Academy (POLAC) of the Czech Republic, Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences (ČZU) in 2006, Prague. Before he performed compulsory military service, he had been employed a journalist. During studies he was a part-time assistant advocate, afterwards he the lawyer of Military Regional Office (ÚVS) Kladno (2003). From 2004 he has worked at the Armaments Division, now the National Armaments Office (NÚřV), MoD. Since 2010 he has lectured at the Faculty of Law, Pan-European University. Occasionally he publicizes in magazines and journals Legal Advisor (Právní rádce), Administrative Law (Správní právo), Czech Military Review (Vojenské rozhledy) and in collections from conferences dealing with various questions of administrative and commercial laws.

Country: Czech Republic


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