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Applicability of Multirotors in Czech Armed Forces
Authors: Žárský Petr
, Hlavizna Petr
, Hnidka Jakub
Authors of the paper present results of research in the area of deployment and operation of multirotors, i.e., autonomous aerial systems with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability. Survey of Czech Army experts’ opinions based on the Delphi method points to the significance of MINI VTOL UAS project undertaking – reconnaissance VTOL autonomous aerial system. The conclusion of the analysis is the identification of the primary applications of and requirements for (concept, system, and training) successful deployment of multirotors, with framing of existing issues of technical, acquisition/program and legislative nature, and determination of their importance. The paper also explores experts’ views to the acquisition and operation of multirotors in Czech Army to achieve their full operational potential, certainly available in the future battlefield. Inconsistent architecture of information sharing was identified by experts as one of the most important issues with the highest likelihood of solution in the upcoming years. Published in Equipment
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- Applicability of Multirotors in Czech Armed Forces (3280 Downloads)
1 comment
- Comment Link Tuesday, 26 July 2022 15:39 posted by Karel Kozák
Str. 106 Využitelnost multikoptér v Armádě České republiky
Petr Žďárský Petr Hlavica Jakub Hnidka
Článek v českém jazyce se na 12 stránkách doplněných tabulkami zabývá bezpilotními vzdušnými systémy. Podrobně je rozebrán význam UAS a multikoptér. V článku jsou uvedeny výsledky výzkumného šetření, poznatky ze zahraničních armád. Tabulky obsahují přehledné uspořádání problémů se zaváděním multikoptér do AČR.
Bylo by vhodné ukázat na vzájemné vztahy UAS, UAV, multikoptéra, dron, doplnit schéma.