Analytical Thinking and Team Leadership in Intelligence Analysis


This paper deals with aspects of intelligence analysis that very often influence the quality of intelligence information utilized by end users. Such analysis requires not only analytical thinking, but also specific experiences of all personnel exploiting collected information. The same body of information may result in multiple analytic products, with different security classifications, time scales, and level of detail. The result of this process is an analytical product – evaluation without any idle speculation and pseudo prophecy. Evaluation and interpretation must describe up-to-date conditions and demonstrate the clusters of future images with alternative developments. Reasonable evaluation reduces uncertainty and makes user's decision easier. At the end the author concentrates on rules of analytical team control and management.

Assoc. prof. Ondřej Horák, PhD, Born 1978. Member of the academic staff at the University of Defence, Faculty of Military Leadership, and Palacký University, Faculty of Law. He graduated from the Masaryk University, Faculty of Law (2002, JUDr. 2006, Ph.D. 2007, assoc. prof. 2021) and Faculty of Arts (2003 a 2004) and is focused on the issue of public and private law relations, on legal comparative studies and history of jurisprudence.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3549-6539

Country: Czech Republic


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