The „Women, Peace and Security“ Agenda and Integrating Gender Perspective in the Environment of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic


The measures adopted on the soil of the North Atlantic Alliance to support the integration of gender perspective are discussed in the article, as well as the way in which these were subsequently reflected in the legislative measures of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic and examines the approach of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter referred to as "OS SR" ) to the integration of gender perspective. The article further focuses on how the OS SR integrate and support these principles in the real life of professional soldiers. The analysis of available statistical data as well as of research previously conducted in this area serves as a basis for formulating conclusions on whether the Slovak Republic fulfills its obligations regarding the integration of gender perspective towards the North Atlantic Alliance, and at the same time formulates starting points for possible future research.

CAPT JUDr. Mária Blehová, born 1988. Graduate of the Law fakulty of Trnava University in Trnava. She worked as a lawyer at Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic. Currently stationed as a Legal Advisor at NATO Force Integration Unit Slovakia NFIU SVK, dealing mainly with international law, ensuring compliance of NATO directives and regulations with the national law of the Slovak Republic.

Country: Slovakia


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