European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Military Officer Profession from the Perspective of the Czech Republic


The article deals with the issue of application of the European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Military Officer Profession.  Paper brings the main results of levelling the Senior Officer Course to the European Core Curriculum for Military Officers (MILOF-CORE). It was found out that 18 out of 35 learning outcomes of the Senior Officer Course were found to considerable degree relevant to the MILOF-CORE, the rest contain a various degree of national specifics. Lessons learned gained from the levelling were employed in a recent revision of study programs of the career courses   organized by the Center for Security and Military Strategic Studies of the University of Defence.

Richard Saibert, PhD., born 1969. He graduated from the Military University in Vyškov (1991). In the Czech Armed Forces he held various command and staff positions. Within Ministry of Defence he also dealt with issues related to the defence policy of the Czech Republic. He has also experience from foreign workplaces as well as from the civilian sector, especially in the area of the project management and public procurement. He is currently working as a researcher at the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies, University of Defence. He publishes articles related to the military personnel development, Lessons Learned in the Czech Armed Forces and doctrine development.


Country: Czech Republic


1 comment

  • Comment Link Wednesday, 10 November 2021 17:41 posted by Karel Kozák

    Str. 59 Evropský sektorový kvalifikační rámec důstojníka ozbrojených sil z perspektivy České republiky
    Richard Seibert
    Článek v anglickém jazyce pojednává na 16 stránkách, doplněných tabulkami, o přípravě ve vyšším kurzu pro důstojníky ozbrojených sil. Zabývá se porovnáním a místem kvalifikačních kurzů v Evropském sektorovém kvalifikačním rámci. Obsah je teoretický, vhodný pro specialisty v oblasti vzdělávání vyšších důstojníků. Pro běžného uživatele může být obtížné textu porozumět. Vhodná je dobrá znalost angličtiny.


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