Biodromal Preparation Concept of Citizens for their Protection during Emergencies


People must be prepared for unexpected anddangerous situations that must be dealt with immediately. The prerequisite of people training for the emergency situations is their overall preparation. The concept ought to be extending over a relatively long time, well elaborated and coherent. The prerequisite of such preparation is the existence of appropriate laws supporting a lifelong, “biodromaly” conceived educational concept. The readers have a chance to familiarise themselves with results from sociological inquiry, being done at the end of 2010, and with several acts tied with civil emergency preparation.

JUDr. et PhDr. Jaroslav Padrnos, CSc., born in 1941, Institute of Education at Zlín (postgradual studies), Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc (ethopedy), Faculty of Law, Masaryk University (law). He taught at school of all levels, in the late 70s a methodist of educational consulting at the Regional Pedagogical and Psychological Counselling Centre Brno. In the 80s as a teacher of the Department of Defence Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, he paid close attention to the protection and defence of civilian population. He is successively involved both in advocacy and teaching at the College of Applied Law, Prague. He cooperates with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, upon conceptional implementing problems of people's preparation for emergencies and current risks.

Country: Czech Republic


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