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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
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- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
Rašek Antonín
PhDr. Antonín Rašek, Major General, (Ret.), born in 1935; he graduated from the Military School of Jan Žižka (VŠJŽ) and the Infantry School (PU). He served with the Air Force, studied the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (FF UK) Prague, philosophy, history (concluded in 1961). After that he became a military journalist and worked in various army institutions. In postgraduate studies he specialized in sociology. After the September 21, 1968, he was separated from the army and started a new career as research worker, lecturer and advisor in the field of industrial sociology. After the Velvet Revolution, from 1990 till 1992, he was a civilian deputy defence minister for humanitarian affairs, in 1993 director of the Institute for Strategic Studies. He cooperates with the Centre for Social and Economic Strategies, Charles University Prague. Joint member of authors´ team that compiled the following publications: Vision of Development of the Czech Republic till 2015 (CESES 2001), Guide to the Landscape of Priorities for the Czech Republic" (CESES 2002),Wandering through the Czech future (CESES 2003). Author of nineteen novels. For his successful literary activities he was praised by many awards.
Country: Czech Republic
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- 25. 05. 2012 - Jaroslav Janda (K nedožitým osmdesátým narozeninám)
- 24. 01. 2012 - One Worlds, Many Questions (Obama Behind of the Half of Presidency).
- 24. 01. 2012 - Updating Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 2011
- 21. 11. 2011 - Geopolitics: A New Optics.
- 21. 11. 2011 - Emerging New Threats in Unstable World
- 21. 11. 2011 - Discovering Future as a Challenge
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- 21. 11. 2011 - The White Paper and the Security of the Czech Republic
- 12. 07. 2011 - Does China Conquer Also Europe?
- 26. 05. 2011 - Starting Points for the Preparation of Updated Security Strategy of the Czech Republic—2011
- 26. 05. 2011 - Security Preconditions and Threats (Economy, Religious and Cybernetic Threats).
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- 22. 11. 2010 - The Report by Madeleine Albright's Team and Its Wide-ranging Contexts
- 13. 07. 2010 - Alliance’s New Strategic Concept
- 24. 05. 2010 - NATO is Preparing a New Strategical Concept
- 25. 01. 2010 - Obama's First Year in the White House
- 22. 11. 2009 - Will Europe Defend Itself without Americans? Reflections over Europe Security “Twenty Years” After
- 22. 11. 2009 - A Look at Our Army Ten Years Ago
- 22. 11. 2009 - Reflections over the Czech Armed Forces Transformation
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