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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
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Kalhousová Irena
Irena Kalhousová, B.A., M.Phil., born in 1979, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (B.A. in Political Science), University of Cambridge, Great Britain (M.Phil.). After finishing her studies, 2008-2009, she worked for Heinrich Böll Foundation; 2009-2010, analyst for Research Centre, Association of International Affairs. At present she holds the position of Chief Analyst at the Prague Security Studies Institute. She is specialized in the modern Middle East, the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, transatlantic relations. Ms. Kalhousová is also lecturing at the Anglo-American University in Prague, teaching courses on the European Union and the Middle East. She regularly expresses her opinions in Czech public media. At the time of publishing her article in the Vojenské rozhledy she was a fellow at the Inter-Disciplinary Centre, Herzeliya, Israel.
Country: Czech Republic