Bureš Oldřich

Doc. Mgr. Oldřich Bureš, M.A., Ph.D., born. 1979, graduates the Philosophical Faculty of the Palacký University in Olomouc. He is the Head of the Department of International Relations and European Studies and the head of the Center for Security Studies at Metropolitan University in Prague. He is also an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Political Studies, Charles University and an External Research Fellow, Centre for European Security, School of English, Sociology, Politics & Contemporary History, University of Salford. His research is focused on the areas of Conflict Resolution and International Security, with special emphasis on United Nations peacekeeping operations, private military companies, and the EU counterterrorism policy. His work has been published in Terrorism and Political Violence, International Studies Review, International Peacekeeping, Global Change, Peace and Security, Journal of Contemporary European Research and several other peer-reviewed journals.

Country: Czech Republic
