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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
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Saibert Richard
Richard Saibert, PhD., born 1969. He graduated from the Military University in Vyškov (1991). In the Czech Armed Forces he held various command and staff positions. Within Ministry of Defence he also dealt with issues related to the defence policy of the Czech Republic. He has also experience from foreign workplaces as well as from the civilian sector, especially in the area of the project management and public procurement. He is currently working as a researcher at the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies, University of Defence. He publishes articles related to the military personnel development, Lessons Learned in the Czech Armed Forces and doctrine development.
Country: Czech Republic
- 26. 03. 2024 - Development of the Czech Armed Forces Doctrinal Framework
- 27. 03. 2023 - Possibilities of Developing Medical Support Capabilities in the Area of Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear Defence
- 20. 09. 2022 - Career Education Of Military Leaders in the Area of the Lessons Learned
- 15. 09. 2021 - European Sectoral Qualifications Framework for Military Officer Profession from the Perspective of the Czech Republic
- 03. 12. 2020 - Defining and Evaluation of Competencies of an Officer of the Czech Armed Forces
- 12. 03. 2020 - Officer’s Competencies
- 21. 03. 2019 - The Approach to Defining the Competencies for Military Professionals in Command and Control in Military Operations
- 20. 06. 2018 - Optimalizace procesu získávání poznatků a využívání zkušeností a význam přípravy personálu v této oblasti (2)
- 14. 06. 2018 - Optimization of Lessons Learned Process and the Importance of Personnel Development in this Domain