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Security and Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation in Syria
During the Arab Spring Revolution, when the protests against the Syrian government began in 2011, Russia was one of the strongest backers of President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, backing its right to use force if necessary to prevent or put down an uprising. Currently, the Russian Federation is the power which has most prominently provided a diplomaticshieldforthe Syrian state and bolstered it witharms supplies, although Moscow talks about the need to “balance” between the warring parties in Syria. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the motives of the foreign and security policy of the Russian Federation in support of Syrian President BasharAssad in the background of Russian interests and influence of norms. At the theoretical level, the paper builds upon a combination of conventional constructivism and rationalism approaches, which in relation to the motives of Russian protection and defense of the ruling regime in Syria reflects a number of fundamental knowledge.- Bezpecnostni_a_zahranicni.pdf (7065 Downloads)
Tichý Lukáš
Lukáš Tichý, Ph.D., born in 1982. He works as a researcher at the Institute of International Relations in Prague. He deals with issues of energy security, foreign and security policy of the EU and Russia and international relations theories. He has published a number of articles in domestic and foreign professional journals, collections and monographs.
Country: Czech Republic
Latest from Tichý Lukáš
- Energy as a Strategic Tool of Hezbollah Movement in Confrontation with Israel
- Security Discourse of the Russian Federation on the Energy Relations with the EU in 2012-2017
- The Position of the Russian Federation to Western Military Interventions in 1999-2011
- Nuclear Deterrence and Cooperation? (Russian Security and Foreign Policy 2008-2012)
1 comment
- Comment Link Wednesday, 17 June 2015 22:31 posted by Lukáš Rejnek
USA podporovalo Muslimské Bratrstvo právě v boji proti Asadovi, dnes USA proti MB- tedy dnes již MS jakože bojuje..:).. nechápu, jak může Evropan dnes obhajovat rozvracení režimů, které fungují a nastolení chaosu a války, kdy nám to v EU přináší tisíce utečenců? proč se nikdo nedivil spíše tomu, když spojenec USA Saddám Husajn napadl Kuvajt a USA následně bojovalo proti saddámovi, když jim SAE zaplatilo polovinu nákladů na misi v Zálivu..? Proč se divíte, když Rusko jednoznačně podporuje svého spojence Asada?