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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
- Nemohu souhlasit s komentářem, že článek je vysoce teoretický a… on Monday, 29 August 2022 21:19
- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
Critical Looks at Hybrid Wars Concept
The term “hybrid war” is frequently used today within the military community, but the term does not bring something new in the view of the terminology of the stability operations, comprehensive approach or compound wars. This concept is based on the destructive threats to the military components of international community. It does not help in delimiting reasons of violent confl ict and from that point it is harmful, as it does not explain soldiers why they are fi ghting the “just war”, why they should sacrifi ce their lives in confl icts far away from their homeland. We should not use terms of hybrid wars, hybrid confl icts, hybrid enemies or forces. Only “hybrid warfare” could find some legitimacy, but only when used with the correct definition of the conflict typology, backed by the political objectives of the war. Confl icts typology, as used, forms the framework for the mission analysis orientation at all command & control levels and it guides the informational support to the military decision making processes.- Kriticky_pohled_na_koncept.pdf (6972 Downloads)
Zůna Pavel
Ing. Pavel Zůna, MSS., Ph.D., Col. (Ret.), born in 1962, Military College of the Ground Forces at Vyškov; graduate of the European Training Course in Security Policy (ETC), Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP); the Strategic Leadership Course, U.S. Army War College. Among others he worked as a deputy defence attaché in Belgium, defence attaché in Great Britain, with the accreditation for Ireland, director of Military Diplomacy Division, Military Intelligence; Deputy Director of Military Intelligence. From 2005 till 2010 he worked at the Doctrine Institute, Training Command-Military Academy (IDo VeV-VA), Vyškov. Since March 1, 2010, head of the Department of Lifelong Learning, Defence University. As the head of this department he is in charge of further careers and vocational education of officers of the Army of the Czech Republic. His Ph.D. degree was obtained at the Defence University, in a doctoral programme Military Economics and Management.
Country: Czech Republic
Latest from Zůna Pavel
1 comment
- Comment Link Thursday, 01 September 2016 15:23 posted by Olda Krejčí
Pavle super analýza, teoreticky musí pochopit každý. Kdo je zakladatelem a realizátorem HV?
V současnosti se vše valí na Rusko, možná i něco lepšího řekl gen. Gerasimov, ale propracovanou teorii HV mají hlavně v USA. Příprava území a obyvatelstva (Pouštní bouře, Majdan, ale i Krym) to je jen ukázka jak se to má dělat a dotáhnout do konce. Podle metodického scénáře se dá odvodit, kdo bude další... zatím se to drží pod pokličkou, ale přípravy frčí.
Zdraví Tě Olda od Pavla Maška, a Kozojeda.