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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
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Martial Virtues and Whistle-Blowing: Loyalty Misplaced and Courage Misunderstood
This paper aims to explain the tension between the phenomenon of whistle-blowing and military values, embodied in core martial virtues of loyalty and courage, which are integral in all armies. By defining these virtues in the military context, the author demonstrates how expressing dissent in the military is not necessarily opposed to loyalty and courage, but rather that it is necessary if conflict of different loyalties is properly managed and if courage is properly understood. Only by ensuring that armed forces are led by those who truly understand military values and martial virtues, and that whistle-blowing can be both patriotic and heroic, can we strive for a lasting peace. By courageously expressing loyalty to his nation, institution and profession, a soldier may act heroically by blowing the proverbial whistle.Stanar Dragan
Dragan Stanar, PhD, born 1986. He is a Doctor of Philosophy (Military Ethics). Associate Professor at the Faculty of International Politics and Security of the Union Nikola Tesla University in Belgrade and an Adjunct Professor at the Military Academy in Belgrade, where he teaches Military ethics. Teaches Military ethics and moral at the National Defense School of the University of Defense in Belgrade. Member of the Board of Directors of the European Society for Military Ethics (EuroISME). Editor-in-chief of the online Ethics of Peace and War collection on Project Rastko. Fields of research: military ethics, ethics of war, philosophy of violence.
Country: Serbia
1 comment
- Comment Link Monday, 27 September 2021 15:27 posted by Karel Kozák
Str. 26 Bojové ctnosti a whistleblowing: věrnost a nepochopená odvaha
Dragan Stanar
SRBSKO Obsáhlý článek v anglickém jazyce se na 15 stránkách zabývá problematikou charakterových vlastností požadovaných pro vojáky jako jsou odvaha, věrnost, loajalita a její úrovně, morálka, o vztazích mezi nimi a chování v mezních případech. Svoje místo má charakteristika odvahy.Článek je vysoce teoretický, vyžaduje hlubší znalost angličtiny. Podrobně jsou definovány vojenské ctnosti, vojenské etické kodexy. V závěru je popsán whistleblowing. Článek poskytuje širší informace z problematiky výcviku a vzdělávání v ozbrojenec silách, je vhodný pro ty, co se zabývají výchovou.