Slovak Armed Forces and Military Operation ISAF


The main goal of the article is to present the activities of members of the Slovak Armed Forces in the military operation ISAF and familiarize the reader with the main facts involving the Slovak Republic as a member of the Alliance in this operation. The text outlines the genesis of the ISAF and structure of the components of the Slovak contingent. SAF members during their tenure at ISAF gain valuable experiences that make up their professional competence and achieve greater compatibility with other members of the Alliance. In conclusion, the most important awards are presented by the coalition partners for professional use, so competence and commitment of the SAF to assist and defend basic human rights and freedom of the Afghan people, to help them take responsibility for themselves and their country.

Lenka Tomášeková, born in 1980. She graduated from the University of Trnava in the pedagogy field. She is external doctoral student of the Academy of Defence in Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia, and studies of national and international security. Since 1999, she works as a professional military of the Slovak Armed Forces. In the present time she acts in the staff position at the Air Transport Wing. She deals mainly with research of the current security environment.

Country: Czech Republic


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