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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
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Prospects of Artillery: Which Way Ahead for the Czech Armed Forces
Authors: Mráz Ivan
, Kalina Milan
The fire support is an inevitable prerequisite for the success of combat forces in land military operations and artillery is its key provider. Will it be even in a future complex and uncertain operating environment? The article recalls high requirements on the current ACR artillery and with the use of the Alliance partner's findings, it points to selected aspects that might influence its capabilities development towards the future operations. The article defines artillery as an indirect fire system and clarifies its role and tasks in the framework of joint fire support. It proposes measures to increase the quality of its training and management. It discusses the issue of an operational concept and its importance for the future ACR artillery, together with introducing main trends in areas of its potential development. Published in Force Development
Download article in original language:
- Perspektivy_delostrelectva.pdf (5751 Downloads)
- Perspektivy_delostrelectva_1.pdf (5196 Downloads)
1 comment
- Comment Link Saturday, 03 September 2016 19:46 posted by Zdeněk Čech
Velmi zajimavé pojednání o dělostřelectvu A ČR. Již v roce 1984 jsem se zabýval software pro výpočet prvků pro střelbu. Doposud není zavedeno? ŠKODA!! Nabízím se.
S pozdravem Ing. zdeněk Čech