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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
- Nemohu souhlasit s komentářem, že článek je vysoce teoretický a… on Monday, 29 August 2022 21:19
- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
Transformational Military Leadership – Requirements, Characteristics and Development
The contemporaneous security environment is more diverse, dynamic, interconnected and far less predictable than ever. As the major Western militaries undergo continuous changes in missions and tasks, as well as in the form of their organisations, the warfighting abilities of military leaders are not the only ones required. Transformational military leadership, with leaders operating from the post-conventional level of developmental action-logic, arguably become one of the most needed capacities of a military organisation. This type of leadership has to be capable of initiating and leading transformational changes, needed to respond adequately and adaptively to contemporaneous and future security challenges. This article analyses the applicability of transformational leadership to military organisations using the developmental theory and the concept of vertical leadership development as a framework.- Rozhledy2016-MC_Transformacni_leadership.pdf (5807 Downloads)
Smiljanic Drazen
Drazen Smiljanic, MSc., born in 1966. He is a graduate from the Technical Military Academy, Zagreb (1989) and holds the master’s degree from the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2), France (2007). He has served in leadership and staff positions in the Croatian Armed Forces and NATO. Currently he works in the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies, as the Strategic Plans and Analysis Branch Head and as a lecturer in Defence Economics at the Croatian Defence Academy, in Zagreb, Croatia. The area of interest of his research is strategy and concept development, sustainability, resource management and capability development, and transformational leadership development. Mr. Smiljanic is currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Military Leadership at the University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic.
Country: Croatia