Chaloupský Ladislav
Colonel Ladislav Chaloupský, Ph.D. (retired) was born in 1955 and graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at Masaryk University in Brno. Following these studies he continued with a Ph.D. in linguistics at the same university. He has also participated in various courses related to language issues and defense management in the USA (Lackland AFB), Great Britain (Beaconsfield DSL) and Germany (Marshall Center in Oberammergau and Garmisch-Parterkichen) and has been an Honorary Citizen of Texas since 1992. He was appointed as the Chief of Germanic Languages at the Military University in Brno. In 1997 he assumed the position of Head of Languages at the Military Educational and Training Centre in Komorni Hradek. In 2003 he was assigned as Director of the newly established Defense Language Institute (DLI) in Vyskov. In addition to commanding the DLI he chaired the Foreign Language Methodology Board of the Czech Armed Forces and was a member of the NATO-BILC (Bureau of International Language Co-operation) steering committee for the Czech Republic.
Between 1995 and 2008, he was also posted to UN and NATO missions across Iraq serving as a Senior Logistics Officer, a Personnel Officer, a Liaison Officer and an Advisor to the Chief of Operations in Baghdad.
Country: Czech Republic
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