Šmíd Jan
Lt.Col. Mgr. Jan Šmíd, born in 1977, Faculty of Education, Technical University of Liberec, disciplines English language and civics. In 1999 he started to teach in Education and Training Centre, Ministry of Defence (ŠVS MO), Komorní Hrádek, later at he the Defence Language Institute Vyškov. Since 2004, he has been working at the Defence Language Institute (ÚJP) Vyškov, where he held the position of head of language teaching division first, and at present he is a head of teaching methods and testing division. He represents the Czech Republic at various seminars and conferences organized by the NATO Bureau for International Language Coordination (BILC). He completed several courses in Great Britain and the United States, aimed at further education of language teachers and managers.
Country: Czech Republic
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