Vařejka Eduard
Ing. Eduard Vařejka, Lt.Col. (Ret.), born in 1948, Military Academy (VAAZ), field of study: Geography and Cartography (1970); up to the year 1978 he served in basic, middle level assignments, till the position of deputy commander for cartography, 1st Army Topographical Detachment. In 1979 he began to work at the Military Geographic Institute (VZÚ) as the chief of Project and Analyses Section. From 1979 till 1991 he was involved in the implementation of automated map production, at the end as a main engineer-deputy chief of the for Production, Technical and Economy Matters Institute. From 1992 he worked at Research Centre 090, Topographical Service, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Prague, as a chief of Scientific, Technical and Economy Information Division. In 1995 chief of Analytical and Information Centre, Topographical Service, Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, Prague; from 2009-2009 main engineer of the VZÚ in Prague. Since December 31, 2009, an old age pensioner. He published in collections aimed at problems of automated map production and also in the Military Topography Revue (Vojenský topografický obzor).
Country: Czech Republic
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