Tomšů Jana
PhDr. Jana Tomšů, born in 1957, graduate of linguistics at the Faculty of Arts, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University (FF UJEP) in Brno; now Masaryk University Brno. Within higher military schools since 1981. Since September 1, 2006, she had been working at the Language Training Centre (CJP) Brno, where she teaches French and Russian. She specialized in lexicology and lexicography in the field of military terminology and a vocational language. She is a member of Terminology Committee, she used to take an active part in proceedings of the NATO Military Committee Terminology Conference. Her share in the preparation of the Czech-French Terminology Project was eminent. She is one of authoresses of the three-volume Czech-French-English Explanatory Dictionary of Military Terms and Definitions from the Field of Strategy, Operational and Tactical Terminology, and Logistics. Besides, she is also a co-authoress of Czech-French Military Terminology textbook.
Country: Czech Republic