Zelinka Petr
Bc. Petr Zelinka, born in 1986, in the year 2008 he finished B.A. studies in security and international relations at Masaryk University Brno, where he now continues in his M.A. studies in security and strategy studies, and at the same time he attends social security studies at the University of Aberystwyth, Great Britain. He is professionally concentrated on non-state actors employing deeds of violence, security complex of Afghanistan-Pakistan, Horn of Africa (Somali Peninsula, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia), and making security concepts. He contributes to the International Relation journal (Mezinárodní vztahy), Defence and Strategy (Obrana a strategie), The Czech Journal of Political Science (Politologický časopis). For the latter two he works also as a reviewer. His analyses are to bee seen at the informational portal natoaktual.cz.
Country: Czech Republic