Koudelka Zdeněk
Doc. JUDr. Zdeněk Koudelka, Ph.D., born in 1969, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University Brno. Member of municipal authorities and a vice mayor of city district Brno-Jundrov; 1992-1996 lecturer and in 1996-2009 senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law, MU Brno; 1993-1995 senior lecturer at the Military Academy Brno, after that attorney's clerk and attorney, at present a senior lecturer of Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of Law, MU Brno. He is politically active, in the years 2002 till 2006 he was a vice chairman of Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs Chamber of Deputies; 2006-2011 assistant to the highest state attorney; since 2011 assistant to the director of Czech Judicial Academy. Extensive publishing activities. The author of a book called President of the Republic (2011), with a foreword by Václav Klaus.
Country: Czech Republic
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