Col. Ivan Mráz, Ph.D., born in 1959. He graduated from the Military College of the Grand Forces in Vyškov. Since 1982 he acted in command and staff positions in military school units and in period 1992-1995 he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Missile and Artillery Department within the same College. Later, in period 1996-2001 he was a Senior Lecturer at the secondary military school in Vyškov. In 2002-2003 he acted in the command of Mechanized division and in 2004-2010 as the head of section of the Training and Doctrine Command. In 2009 he was deployed in KFOR headquarters. Since 2010 he is the Head of Czech Armed Forces Artillery. In his current position he focuses on the issues of the development of artillery and mortar units and fire support concept.
Country: Czech Republic