Vojenské Rozhledy

Czech Military Review

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Partisan and paramilitary groups operating on Colombian soil have been representing a serious regional security threat for the last fifty years. The most successful attempt to conclude a peace treaty between the government and the insurgents is represented by the peace process that took place between 2012-2016. This process resulted in the agreement between the colombian government and the guerilla group Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo. This paper deals with the dynamics of the of the peace processes between the government and guerilla groups and analyzes the factors contributing to the escalation and deescalation of the conflict and factors that enabled or on the contrary disabled a successful demobilization of the insurgents. The analysis of the demobilization uncovered a number of factors indicating a contradictory acting of both sides of the conflict. While the adversaries were negotiating the peace agreement, in the same time they were violating the previous agreements. Such behaviour was caused mainly due to the absence of a strong sponsor.

  • volume: 2019
  • number: 1
  • type: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed

Pavlína Bláhová, Malvína Krausz Hladká

Demobilizace kolumbijských guerill: Případ FARC-EP a ELN

Demobilisation of the Colombian Guerillas: FARC-EP and ELN

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