Nr. 4/2022
Vojenské rozhledy / Czech Military Review Nr. 4/2022
Volume : XXXI. (LXIII.)
Issued: 1 December 2022
All articles
Innovative view of the methodical process of facing disinformation
Authors: Havlík Martin
Identification of factors for the prevention and elimination of undesirable forms of impulsive behavior in the context of solving difficult situations under conditions of professional activities of military leadership students
Leadership development in the conditions of the Czech Armed Forces
NATO Force Integration Units: Are NFIUs a Valuable Element of NATO Deterrence and Defense Posture?
The Path to Bucha: Organisational Practices of the Russian Army and Violence against Noncombatants
Authors: Kučera Tomáš
Vojenské aspekty války na Ukrajině
Authors: Spišák Ján
Impact of the New Technologies on CBRN Terrorist Threats: General Perspective and Perspective of Republic of Croatia
The use of modeling and simulation in the development process optimization of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic
Analýza využívání implementační pomůcky rozvojových projektů v AČR
National Defense and Environmental Protection: On the Czech Armed Forces´ Approach to the Development of Environmental Legislation in the Czech, EU and NATO Context
Vzpomínka na generála Pezla
Authors: Baroch Pavel
Published in Jednotlivá čísla