- ročník: 2009
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The Czech Republic became involved in ISAF in 2002, among others we sent there both field hospital and field surgical team; later meteorological group, traffic control group with EOD team began to serve at the Kabul International Airport. In 2004, the 601st Special Force Group was engaged in Enduring Freedom operation, Czech soldiers served in German Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), positive role was played by Czech Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team. Another successful mission was establishing PRT Logar, supporting social, economical development in this province. New common features of PRT, helicopter OMLT, EUPOL mission, partly SOG is the concentration on building Afghan capacities, namely ANSF (Afghan National Security Force) and public administration. Together with their deliberate support, it has multiplying effect, as assistance and training bring more effects than mere fulfilling standard military tasks, guarding e.g. Dutch base.
Read more: Mission of the Czech Republic in Afghanistan: The Trial of New Dimensions
- ročník: 1991
- číslo: 1
- stav: Recenzované / Reviewed
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
Občanská válka v Myanmaru trvá již více jak sedm desítek let. Po vojenském převratu v únoru 2021 prodělala výrazné strukturální změny a získala novou dynamiku. Příčiny konfliktu spočívají v neschopnosti různých etnických a politických uskupení nalézt způsob koexistence v rámci jednoho státního celku a autonomizaci armády. Hlavními aktéry války v Myanmaru jsou dnes vojenská junta a její stoupenci, demokratická opozice a etnické organizace. Po převratu narůstá síla hnutí odporu a jeho operační schopnosti. Tento nárůst ale má své limity vzhledem k přetrvávající nejednotnosti opozičních sil, technické převaze myanmarské armády a posilování jejích početních stavů povinnými odvody.
Read more: Občanská válka v Myanmaru. Příčiny, aktéři, vývoj
- ročník: 2019
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
In May 2017, Islamists of the South-Philippine Separate Groups of Abu Sajyaf and Maute occupied Marawi City in Mindanao. Five-month fighting was attended by more than 3,000 armed forces against about 1,000 jihadists. Dozens of foreign fighters took part in the fighting on the Islamists side and confirming the pan-Islamic ethos of the Islamic state's ideology in this part of the world. Philippine troops were not prepared for the character of fighting in urbanized environment against motivated and experienced militants. The shortcomings were manifested in the conducting of operations in a heavily built-up area, but also in low-level coordination and limits of capabilities of the technical intelligence. It was decided to create Special Operations Command to which all Philippine special purpose forces are subordinated. The conflict experience has initiated a change of doctrinal approach that focuses on air support to reduce losses due to inaccurate bombing and acquisitions of high-tech reconnaissance and weapon systems.
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The paper concerns the crisis in Yemen which escalated once again in the beginning of 2015 and considers legality of Operation Decisive Storm launched in March 2015 by military coalition led by Saudi Arabia.
- ročník: 2014
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The acts of violence have swept the whole Central African Republic (CAR) since March last year. When the Muslim fighters of Seleka rebel groups had deposed a Christian president Francois Bozize, the fighting between Christian militias and Muslim population broke out. The provisional government of the Muslim Michel Djotodia allegedly intentionally massacred civilians, including women, children and old people. In December 2013, under the resolution by the Security Council, UN, the French troops of 1600 men were sent to help to African Union soldiers to keep growing chaos at bay. But up to now, the violence has not been stopped. Nearly a million of people have been internally displaced in the country. A total of 935 thousand of Central Africans are currently sheltering in scrublands or living with their relatives. More than half of the city's population fled Bangui, some 60 per cent of those displaced are children, according to the UN refugee agency, UNHCR.
Read more: Operation Sangaris 2013: French intervention in Central Africa