- ročník: 2023
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The manner of conducting modern large-scale combat operations (LSCOs) is characterized by the increasingly frequent and diverse use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) integrated into the Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4IRS) system. These aircraft are one of the most important types of weapons in modern LSCOs. Anyone that has the technology can process the latest information from the field and safely passes that information to the command center has a great advantage and a chance to cause great damage to units whose goal is to prevent further operational work. What is important is that UAVs must have some degree of self-protection through site selection action to reconnaissance and retreat routes. The paper presents the possibility of using UAVs for various missions in LSCOs, as well as a case study of their use in previous modern armed conflicts.
Read more: The C5ISR System Integrated with Unmanned Aircraft in the Large-Scale Combat Operations
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The lecture discusses the possible forms and methods for further development of Population protection, focusing on implementation of measures to protect the population at higher crisis status. The aim of the lecture is to analyze possible priorities, resources, and procedures for population protection in serious and large-scale crisis situations using all available forces and capabilities of the State and citizens. The work also deals with the possibility of more effective measures of population protection during announcement of higher crisis status generating additional forces and means and methods for the management of these measures. The aim of the work is among other things to point out the fact that the measures of population protection must be prepared in perspective and comprehensive and must reflect the potential risks, including the large scale crisis, which may be occur in the territory.
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
Sdělení pojednává o možných formách a metodách dalšího rozvoje ochrany obyvatelstva se zaměřením na provádění opatření ochrany obyvatelstva při vyšších krizových stavech. Cílem je analyzovat možné priority, zdroje a postupy pro zabezpečení ochrany obyvatelstva ve vážných a rozsáhlých krizových situacích s využitím všech sil a schopností státu i občanů. Práce se zabývá možností vyšší efektivity opatření ochrany obyvatelstva při vyhlášení vyšších krizových stavů cestou generování doplňkových sil a prostředků a metodami pro řízení těchto opatření. Cílem práce je mimo jiné poukázat na skutečnost, že opatření ochrany obyvatelstva musí být připravována perspektivně a komplexně a musí odrážet možná rizika, včetně nadprojektových, které na teritoriu státu mohou působit.
Read more: Jak řešit ochranu obyvatelstva za stavu ohrožení státu a válečného stavu (2)
- ročník: 2014
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
This essay is focused upon the concept of Perpetual Peace (1795) by the German Philosopher Immanuel Kant. To reach this goal, he advocated the establishment of a word federation of republican states. But some key prerequisites (s.c. preliminary and definitive articles) must be completed. The authoress compares the Kant's concepts with the ideas of solidarity by the Czech philosopher Jan Patočka. The readers themselves must pass the judgement whether Kant's prerequisites of eternal peace—even for more then two centuries—are fulfilled, or not. This subject matter belongs to a relatively young field of study dealing with war and peace, the so-called paxology, the theory how peace can be maintained in the world.
This essay is focused upon the concept of Perpetual Peace (1795) by the German Philosopher Immanuel Kant. To reach this goal, he advocated the establishment of a word federation of republican states. But some key prerequisites (s.c. preliminary and definitive articles) must be completed. The authoress compares the Kant’s concepts with the ideas of solidarity by the Czech philosopher Jan Patočka. The readers themselves must pass the judgement whether Kant’s prerequisites of eternal peace—even for more then two centuries—are fulfilled, or not. This subject matter belongs to a relatively young field of study dealing with war and peace, the so-called paxology, the theory how peace can be maintained in the world.
Read more: Concept of Kant’s Peace: Settling Disputes Peacefully
- ročník: 2024
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Cognitive warfare is a new phenomenon that differs from any forms of action previously used in the information space aiming to affect the thinking of target groups. The main difference consists in the targeted and sophisticated use of scientific knowledge from neuroscience, with special attention on consciousness and perception of reality. This deeper understanding of how the human mind works has impacted distributed narratives and the choice of the most suitable technological platforms for their distribution to the target audience. This article presents a conceptual classification of cognitive warfare and defines its three core segments: neuroscience, technology and aspects of social science.