- ročník: 2020
- číslo: Mimořádné číslo
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Research into the historiography of the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction involves an excursion of the study of recent problems of Chemical Corps in the literature. Four basic periods were identified in the development of the theory of Chemical Corps and the concept of the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction. 1. The First World War and the foundation of Czechoslovakia as a period of changes in the principles of military leadership due to the existence of chemical weapons. 2. The period after the end of World War II, reflection on threats in the form of the development of Chemical Corps, the take-over of Soviet doctrine and military research objectives. 3. 1990s as a period characterized by an accent on the Gulf War, proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the introduction of new technical means of Chemical Corps. 4. Beginning of the 21st century and the threat of ultra-terrorism, the development of specialized capabilities of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defence, birth of the 9th Chemical Protection Company of immediate response and literary dominance of international security issues, which outweigh force protection problems in operations. The researched articles illustrate the originality of scientific thinking and the social contribution of scientific literature to the defense sector.
- ročník: 2011
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Cílem článku je: charakterizovat některé aspekty spojené s tvorbou doktríny „Použití pozemních sil v operacích" z pohledu zpracovatelů za ženijní vojsko; uvést požadavky na rozsah a obsah textu doktríny vyplývající z dosažené úrovně poznání základních aliančních dokumentů zabývajících se ženijní problematikou, jako jsou např. MC 0560, AJP-3-12(A), ATP-52(B), včetně názvosloví; vyvolat diskuzi v rámci odborné veřejnosti AČR k otázkám, které v této souvislosti vystupují do popředí, jsou nejen pro ženijní vojsko aktuální a na které je nutné hledat odpovědi, dohodnout se na způsobu jejich řešení, obsahu, rozsahu a formě zapracování do textu doktríny.
Read more: Ženijní aspekty související s tvorbou doktríny „Použití pozemních sil v operacích“ (2)
- ročník: 2021
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article deals with the artillery manual gunnery in accordance with the modernization of the czech artillery. The article describes the results of research aimed at innovating manual (alternative) methods of determining the firing data so that they are applicable on the contemporary battlefield and are compatible with the nature of the data used by artillery within the NATO. The issue of the article is aimed primarily at determining the firing data by the use of meteorological techniques, while presenting the outputs of a comparative analysis of procedures used in the czech artillery with the procedures applied by the US army. The main contribution of the article is a critical evaluation of the approaches of both armies and a proposal for innovation of existing procedures so that the most beneficial requirements are applied and negatives are eliminated.
- ročník: 2020
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article deals with providing situational awareness in operations at the operational level of command in the context of the information environment, the current nature of which significantly affects the execution of this capability. It examines the influence of three selected aspects – information overload, the expansion of advanced information technology and the growing importance of the cyber domain – on generating, maintaining and sharing situational awareness in planning and conduct of operations. It identifies and characterizes the respective sub-capabilities within the information area, necessary for operational headquarters to effectively provide situational awareness, and outline possible ways to develop these capabilities in terms of internal processes, technical equipment and personnel.
Read more: Situational Awareness and Current Information Environment
- ročník: 2019
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
Personnel Recovery intervenes to almost all areas of planning, preparation and implementation of military operations. One of the important areas of the personnel recovery system is the intelligence area. This article describes on the operational level the reasons and basic methods of intelligence support of Personnel Recovery during joint military operations. It introduces selected intelligence disciplines and explains the suitability of their use in the various Personnel Recovery phases. It also describes the intelligence activities related to post-reintegration phase and outlines the basic issues associated with the intelligence support of Personnel Recovery.
Read more: Intelligence Support of Personnel Recovery System