- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The main goal of this article is to depict the issue of intelligence information sharing within the so called principle „need to share“ and highlight the differences of this current trend, which was to replace the „need to know“ principle. The first chapter in reference to current global threats depicts the extent of the present national and international interrest in the intelligence field which is followed by the issue of „need to share“ principle. The aim of the following chapter is briefly analyse the sfaring of intelligence information within NATO and the EU. This chapter also includes the possible sharing of SIGINT information obtained by
national tactical element embedded in Task force during current day operations. The final part evaluates the intelligence information sharing and outlines certain prediction of future development in this field.
Read more: Sharing of Intelligence Information in Terms of Process “Need to Share”
- ročník: 2022
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The paper demonstrates that the Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) is one very useful analytical tool and method to help Allied political decision makers and military strategists to rethink the Alliance’s new role and mission in Africa, as the Southern neighbour of NATO and the EU having great possibilities to influence, either positively or negatively, the European and Euro-Atlantic security. Thus, the paper’s scope is to use MCA in order to highlight the importance of Africa for NATO’s Geopolitics and what Member States should undertake in order to join the competitive North African and Sahel region’s arms and presence race against the increased Russian and Chinese economic and military interests.
Read more: NATO’s Strategic Interest in Africa - a Possible Multi-Criteria Analysis
- ročník: 2020
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The article deals with the possibility of using artillery fire with the multiple round simultaneous impact, for artillery weapon systems currently used in the Army of the Czech Republic. It aims to analyze the existing artillery procedures and then describe the possibilities, benefits and possible negatives of multiple rounds simultaneus impact fires. In the end, specific requirements are set that must be met for the effective use of fire with the simultaneous impact of missiles with currently used artillery weapon systems.
- ročník: 2010
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The author summarises most common and repeated mistakes of graduated officers after leaving military schools. Junior officers are practically in the same position as young manager in civil life, so we can find some analogies in civil managerial leadership. Civil manager face practically the same problems and situations. There are various mistakes that junior officers ought to be warned. Such educational instructions and leadership should be implemented into military schools' curricula. Backed by a vast amount of studied literature, the author offers his own solution. He makes use of five myths by Linda Hill, professor at Harvard Business School. The problem is to avoid extreme leadership styles: dictatorlike and benevolent ones.
- ročník: 2014
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The peace is a state of affairs among states, nations and mankind, characterized by a friendly coexistence, solving matters in dispute by means of negotiations and accords, without use of armed and physical forces or psychological coercion. For preserving peace it is important to respect state sovereignty, independence, the right of nations to define their own courses. The theory of peace, dealing with those items, being introduced by the following article, is called paxology.
Read more: Theory of Peace as a Contradiction to War Science