Vojenské Rozhledy

Czech Military Review

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The present article is devoted to the new kind of the Polish Armed Forces, namely the Territorial Defence Force (Polish: Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej, WOT), the essence of which is, i.a., territoriality. Among the many tasks facing this kind of military unit, there are the ones involving non-military threats.

By connecting the two basic elements mentioned above, the authors present in the following article the possibilities of using the Territorial Defence Force and the alternate process of administering the armed force component on a voivodeship level.

  • volume: 2019
  • number: 1
  • type: Ostatní / Other


Ryszard Szynowski, Krzysztof Radwan

Využití vojsk územní obrany v krizových situacích na úrovni vojvodství

The Use of Territorial Defence Force in Crisis Situations on a Voivodeship Level


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