- ročník: 2018
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article deals with the use and future prospects of the international cooperation for the development some of Czech Armed Forces capabilities in the field of military medicine. It has no ambition to address this issue in its entirety, but only contains an analysis of some of the current formats and initiatives of international cooperation in the field of military medicine, with the justification of their origins and a brief evaluation of their contribution. Part of the article is also a proposal for possible measures to improve the development of medical capabilities in the framework of international cooperation.
- ročník: 2018
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article deals with the use and future prospects of the international cooperation for the development some of Czech Armed Forces capabilities in the field of military medicine. It has no ambition to address this issue in its entirety, but only contains an analysis of some of the current formats and initiatives of international cooperation in the field of military medicine, with the justification of their origins and a brief evaluation of their contribution. Part of the article is also a proposal for possible measures to improve the development of medical capabilities in the framework of international cooperation.
Read more: Role of International Cooperation in the Development of the Czech Armed Forces Medical...
- ročník: 2019
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The Armed Forces of BiH were officially unified in 2005 and are composed of two founding armies: the Bosniak-Croat Army of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosnian Serb Army of Republika Srpska. Even though the unified armed forces celebrated their 13th anniversary in December 2018 and are presented as a success story, the political environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly in Republika Srpska, does not foster a sense of unity in the armed forces. The paper explores the vulnerabilities that the unified armed forces face, particularly in relation to the process of state building in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The text concludes, that the main concerns for the BiH armed forces include the old equipment, the economic problems of the country and budget constraints, politicisation and ethnicisation – while ongoing nationalism and the unsure future of BiH remain the greatest external challenges.
Read more: Unifying the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina – mission completed?
- ročník: 2014
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The Czech Armed Forces' professionalization is an underlying qualitative change and its realization is not without risks. This paper outlines the political origin of this phenomenon, characterises the coherence with the transformation of the Alliance and illustrates overseas experience with some recruitment problems, namely the NCOs, the limits of women in the armed forces, the role of voluntary reserve force, and the substantiations for compulsory military service generally. The purpose of this essay is to draw attention to less known pitfalls of this process, with wide connexions, going beyond regular professionalization frames, defined as a task carried out by the military personnel department.
Read more: Some Pitfalls of the Czech Armed Forces Professionalization
- ročník: 1991
- číslo: 1
- stav: Recenzované / Reviewed
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
Výběr optimálních zbraňových systémů je pro obranu státu klíčový. Tradiční empirické metody jen těžko postihují komplexnost moderní války. Článek zkoumá potenciál konstruktivní simulace pro informované rozhodování v této oblasti. Simulace taktických operací s komplexními proměnnými, jako je terén, akce nepřítele a interoperabilita systémů, poskytuje cenné informace o efektivitě zbraní. To umožňuje optimalizovat akvizice v souladu se strategickými cíli. Designová simulace umožňuje zkoumat faktory těžko testovatelné v reálu, srovnávat konfigurace výzbroje, analyzovat taktiku nepřítele a optimalizovat složení a nasazení jednotek, čímž šetří náklady a čas. Simulace umožňuje bezpečně zkoumat i rizikové scénáře. Využití konstruktivní simulace pro výběr zbraní přináší nesporné výhody z hlediska efektivity, bezpečnosti a informovanosti, čímž posiluje obranyschopnost a připravenost na budoucí výzvy.
Read more: Výběr zbraňových systémů s využitím konstruktivní simulace jako podpory rozhodování