- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The article deals with the use of military police in combat operations during dominance phase.Itdescribes the place androleofmilitarypoliceas combat support units, analyzes experience from previous and ongoing operations and specifies the possible activities of military police during this phase. In conclusion it gives recommendations for the development of capabilities in terms of the activities performed and possible changes in organizational structures. The content of the article is based on thesis prepared by the participant of the 27th General Staff Course at the University of Defence.
- ročník: 2011
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
Článek na základě publikovaných informací a údajů analyzuje a vyhodnocuje některé procesy z oblasti přípravy a formování nových schopností jednotek Ozbrojených sil SR pro působení v podmínkách mezinárodního krizového managementu. V kontextu lisabonské strategie NATO STRATCON 2010 a programového prohlášení vlády SR z roku 2010 přibližuje plnění závazků Ozbrojených sil SR v této oblasti. Poukazuje na omezený zdrojový rámec rezortu obrany při zabezpečování těchto úloh. Důraz je položený na nové požadavky a priority v přípravě jednotek OS SR pro potřeby mezinárodního krizového managementu. Přibližuje změny v mandátu jejich působení a potřebu formování též nevojenských schopností v operacích, ve kterých jsou jednotky Ozbrojených sil SR nasazeny.
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, danger of misusage of toxic materials, terrorism and other phenomena of current security environment are factors that lead to the development of capabilities of the Chemical Corps. The paper is looking at the problem of collecting evidence and forensic attribution of responsibility for hostile acts. This capability is required by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and is supported by experience from military operations, which confirm the validity and significance of required changes. The article presents some recommendations that may lead to development of units that will contribute to the ability of collecting evidence and thus support forensics.
Read more: Chemical Corps Contribution to CBRN Exploitation and Forensics Capability
- ročník: 2022
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The modernization of armaments and military technology is one of the ways to increase the combat potential of the Armed Forces and has implications at all levels of the Armed Forces. Its main purpose is to replace obsolete technology with new ones to prepare the Armed Forces to meet the new challenges of the future security environment. New technologies play a key role in this regard. Not only the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, but also other NATO and EU member states have planned significant modernization projects for conventional military conflict but also unconventional, asymmetric and hybrid conflicts. The authors examine approaches to the modernization of the Land Forces of selected countries. Finally, the armament strategy of selected countries is compared with the armament strategy of the Czech Republic's Land Forces.
Read more: Approaches to Modernizing the Land Forces of Selected Countries
- ročník: 2023
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article addresses the issue of the emergence of new technologies and their impact on the capabilities of the Czech Armed Forces (CAF). A summary of the recommendations is presented. In particular, there is a need for a conceptual approach to the integration of new systems in order to avoid spontaneous purchasing, which could be very logistically demanding. The very rapid development in the field of unmanned autonomous systems using elements of artificial intelligence offers opportunities to use them in support of the tasks of CAF. Due to the breadth of this issue, the scope is limited to the area of the Special Forces, which introduce these new sophisticated means into use throughout the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic.
Read more: Introduction of Autonomous Combat Vehicles into the Czech Armed Forces