Brig. gen. JUDr. Pavel Kříž, LL.M., Mgr. Ing. Leopold Skoruša, Ph.D.
Legalita v činnosti vojenské policie při poskytování podpory hostitelskou zemí
The Legality of the Military Police Activities by Granting Aid as a Host Nation Support Operation
Vojenské Rozhledy
Czech Military Review
The paper deals with the principle of legality during putting in practice of Military police support to allied armed forces in the Host nation Support operation on the Czech Republic territory. Security of sending nation armed forces weaknesses have been identified on the base of analysis of the issue current state supplemented by the legal framework assessment. Suggestions, for expert discussion of Military police authority change, are in the last chapter.
Brig. gen. JUDr. Pavel Kříž, LL.M., Mgr. Ing. Leopold Skoruša, Ph.D.
Legalita v činnosti vojenské policie při poskytování podpory hostitelskou zemí
The Legality of the Military Police Activities by Granting Aid as a Host Nation Support Operation