- volume: 2015
- number: 3
- type: Vědecký / Research
This article deals with challenges for the defence policy and strategy of the Czech Republic and their further adaptation and. It outlines set of recommendations for ensuring its armed forces relevance and their long term sustainability. The article reflects debate during the international conference Defence and Strategy organised by the Centre of Security and Military Strategic Studies of the Defence University and held on 15-16 June 2015 in Brno.
Read more: Adaptation of the Czech Republic Defence Policy and Strategy to the New Security Threats
- volume: 2015
- number: 3
- type: Vědecký / Research
Příspěvek se zabývá výzvami pro obrannou politiku a strategii ČR a předkládá doporučení pro udržení relevantnosti a dlouhodobé zdrojové udržitelnosti jejích ozbrojených sil. Předkládané návrhy vychází mimo jiné i z průběhu diskuze a výstupů z mezinárodní konference s názvem Obrana a strategie , pořádané Centrem bezpečnostních a vojenskostrategických studií Univerzity obrany v Brně ve dnech 15.–16. června 2015.
Read more: Adaptace obranné politiky a strategie ČR na nové bezpečnostní hrozby (2)
- volume: 2023
- number: 2
- type: Vědecký / Research
The article follows the author's comparative analysis of American and Russian nuclear doctrines and armaments from the fall of 2021. It presents the current nuclear strategy of the United States of America based on a content analysis of three specific areas of the updated version of the Nuclear Posture Review. Applying interpretive analysis and a rich secondary sources apparatus, the author also reflects on his 2021-formulated assumptions and expectations about the further development of American nuclear strategy under President Joe Biden. The author analyzes the influence of the presidential administration's ideological and political ambitions together with the decisive geopolitical events of 2022 and concludes that mainly due to the second factor, the current shape of American nuclear strategy has not undergone any revolutionary changes and continues to maintain a long-standing continuity and consensus about its basic principles.
Read more: Update on the United States Nuclear Strategy: from NPR 2018 to NPR 2022
- volume: 2022
- number: 2
- type: Vědecký / Research
The article discusses the current approach of the Czech Republic to the phenomenon of hybrid threats and analyses the fundamental shortcomings that determine the effective management of these threats. As part of a comprehensive approach, the text is supplemented by the current view of the European Union and NATO on addressing the issue of hybrid action by hostile actors. A summary comparison of the approaches of the Czech Republic, the European Union and NATO points to the need for mutual institutional synergy among these entities. Although the current approaches of the mentioned subjects are relatively sufficiently doctrinally anchored, the absence of a complex and especially practically functioning apparatus and specific operational tools that would be able to face a wide range of hybrid threats persists.
Read more: Current Approaches of the Czech Republic, the EU and NATO to Hybrid Threats
- volume: 2014
- number: 2
- type: Ostatní / Other
Respecting rules of international laws is indispensable to guarantee a peace balance among forces of all states. It ought to be in their own interest. By and large, the flagrant breaking of those rules and acts of aggression correspond directly to the military power of individual states. Examples are abundant. This essay deals with the definition of aggression that was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 14, 1974.
Read more: Topical Reflections over Nations Bounded by International Law