- ročník: 2021
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article is about the revolt of French soldiers against the failing immigration policy of their country. It explains its rational causes at the historical, geopolitical as well as security levels. It analyses its three main acts since 2013 until today and presents their key actors: the high level generals and politicians. These acts are presented as historical accidents. The article shows that French soldiers refuse to be silent face to face big stakes, especially on the field of defence of the Republic against the growing violence of young immigrants. The text continues with the analysis of two manifests of French soldiers from spring 2021 that evoke the threat of the civil war in France and the role of the Armed forces in such a scenario.
Read more: The Revolt of French Soldiers Against the Failing Immigration Policy
- ročník: 2019
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The main goal of this article is to depict the role of postcolonial theory of neo-colonialism in the development of the security situation in Afghanistan. The introductory part is devoted to defining the postcolonial approach. This part is followed by a definition of neo-colonialism as a modern form of continuation of colonialism. The next part is focused on the role of neo-colonialism itself in Afghanistan, in relation to the influence and interests of the USA. In addition, the paper outlines the main security implications as well as the distortions of Afghanistan's regional actors (Pakistan and India) as a result of US engagement in the region. The final part summarizes the essential information in the context of the theoretical requirements and signs of neo-colonialism in relation to the activities of the US and other state actors in Afghanistan and the region.
Read more: The role of neo-colonialism in the Evolution of Security Situation in Afghanistan
- ročník: 2012
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Zásadné zmeny v bezpečnostnom prostredí, ktoré nasledovali po odstránení bipolarity sveta, pri-niesli okrem nesporných pozitív aj negatíva, ktoré sa čoraz viac prejavujú v podobe rôznych asy-metrických bezpečnostných hrozbách. Dynamický vývoj a procesy globalizácie, spoločenskej mo-dernizácie, politickej liberalizácie a vedecko-technického rozvoja, ale tiež neriešenie globálnych problémov ľudstva a pretrvávajúca celosvetová hospodárska kríza vygenerovali mnohé negatívne sprievodné javy. Medzi najvýznamnejšie organizácie medzinárodného krízového manažmentu, ktoré sú schopné adekvátne reagovať na vzniknuté krízové situácie a realizovať nevyhnutné opatrenia spolu s Organizáciou spojených národov, Európskou úniou a Organizáciou pre bezpečnosť a spoluprácu v Európe patrí i Organizácia Severoatlantickej zmluvy (NATO). Pre plnenie úloh medzinárodného krízového manažmentu využíva NATO Sily rýchlej reakcie (NRF - NATO Response Force).
- ročník: 2018
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The paper analyses goals of the Slovak and German foreign and security policy focused on their role in NATO as well as on the role by forming European security and defence policy. The paper deals with potential and opportunities for more intensive and effective cooperation between Slovakia and Germany regarding their security and defence policy orientation. It finds out that there are some important NATO and EU projects and initiatives, such as “out of area” missions engagement, battle groups building, Framework Nations Concept or a new announced project Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) to be used in the deepening process of Slovak-German security and defence relations.
Read more: Slovakia and Germany – partners in defence and security area
- ročník: 2018
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The European Union is interested in ensuring the security of African countries in the region of Sahel because some of the threats originating from this region can potentially endanger its member states. With the deteriorating situation in northern Mali, the EU has decided to become more active in this country through Common Security and Defence Policy missions. The aim of this article is to introduce and subsequently assess the contemporary policy of EU in Mali. Particular attention will be paid to the European Union Training Mission in Mali and European Union Capacity Building Mission in Mali, which have so far produced rather mixed results. The article will also focus on the EU strategy in the Sahel region and partly on the EU counterterrorist and counterinsurgency activities in Mali.
Read more: Contemporary Security Policy of the European Union in Mali