- ročník: 2013
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Cílem článku je představit aktuální diskuzi o kyberprostoru jako nové, páté válečné doméně. Čtenář je seznámen s konceptem kyberprostoru, jeho současným uchopením v především amerických doktrínách a vojenské teorii. Kontextuálně je zmíněna i funkce armády a specificky vymezení možností české armády. Diskutována je podoba kyberprostoru a jeho charakteristiky v kontextu vedení vojenských operací. Představeny jsou argumenty zastánců myšlenky kyberprostoru jako válečné domény i kritika tohoto pojetí. V závěru jsou argumenty obou stran shrnuty a zhodnoceny a to i s přihlédnutím k roli a možnostem ozbrojených sil.
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Thisarticledeals withanalysis ofthemagazineDabiq.Thismagazineis published by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and it serves to Jihadist propaganda in English language. The content analysis is used. Thematic fields (with qualitative analysis) and important terms (with term freqency analysis). Authors identified tree main themes of the Dabiq magazine – religion, establishing of the Caliphate and its functions and military operations of the ISIS. The conceptualization of the enemies from the point of view of the ISIS.
Read more: Media Presentation of ISIS: Content Analysis of the Magazine Dabiq
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article deals with the international context of the latent war in Ukraine. It explains the recent history of the post-Soviet area in the light of Galutng’s theory of positive and negative peace. It continues by the annexation of the Crimean peninsula and its international consequences. At the same time, it examines key features of the debate in the USA as well as other NATO countries. It focuses also the debate about the livraison of arms to the Ukrainian government and explains the arguments of proponents as well of the opponents of this controversial project.
- ročník: 2019
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Rocket technology occupies an elite position in the doctrines of hybrid actors in the Middle East. The thesis of proliferation of tactical ballistic missiles analyses four models - political, technological, substitutional and propagandist-psychological. An effective reduction of ballistic missiles and technologies has been identified in the political model, where sanctions and embargoes limit the proliferation of missile technology. In the technical model, which plays a key role, the limiting factors are those of development and dissemination of high-energy laser weapons. The substitutional model illustrates the application of tactical ballistic missiles as carriers for improvised devices. It is of marginal importance, despite covering targets that involve secondary damage. Studying the model of propaganda and psychology confirms the psychological effect on the population associated with the losses, but it does not affect the reduction of missiles.
Read more: Models of Proliferation of Rocket Technologies Used by Hybrid Actors in the Middle East
- ročník: 2017
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Use of child soldiers by rebel armed forces has been growing in recent years. In comparison to preceding conflicts, main reasons for their use have changed significantly – at the present time, children have become highly efficient psychological weapon in battles against the military from developed countries. This may have momentous consequences not only for the given children but also for professional soldiers. Fighting against child soldiers can indisputably affect the soldiers’ capability to discharge their duties. Furthermore, they have to cope with many individual moral dilemmas. The article will look into potential moral aspects regarding confrontation between child soldiers and members of professional armed forces. In the following section, training of professional soldiers and preparation of military mission will be explored. Subsequently, weaknesses which are crucial to forestall in the future will be outlined.