- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Read more: Vyzbrojování Gruzie v kontextu snah o členství v NATO(2)
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
There has never been so much primary data on al-Qa'ida publicly available. Nevertheless primary data are still not used enough, despite the fact that their omission had a clearly detrimental effect on the quality of research on al-Qa'ida. The article's goal is twofold: to lay out an overview of the publicly available sources of primary data on al-Qa'ida and by highlighting interesting aspects of their content to demonstrate their usefulness for the research in general. The article deals particularly with outputs of public institutions, al-Qa'ida's members' publications, al-Qa'ida's members' communication that has been made public and leaked classified information. The topic how to use the sources of primary data will be discussed briefly. The article aims at encouraging the academic and expert community to use primary data more broadly when researching al-Qa'ida.
Read more: Research of Al-Qa’ida Has Never been Easier: an Overview of the Sources of Primary Data
- ročník: 2018
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The paper deals with the concept of proxy wars in the region of the Middle-East and the role of intelligence services in it. In the current conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, many external actors and powers interfere using (not only) their intelligence services for the defence of their national interests in afflicted states, often even combating each other on a territory of a different state. The main goal of the paper is to introduce the concept of proxy war and analyse the role of intelligence services in the ongoing conflicts in the defined area.
Read more: Proxy Wars and the Role of Intelligence Services in the Current Middle-East
- ročník: 2014
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
This paper is above all a quick piece of information on current problem which could have provoked a large war in the Middle East. And also about a unique operation to resolve it. Syrian chemical weapons used to be a serious threat to the entire Middle East, mainly in the context of the ongoing civil war. This was confirmed by repeated use of nerve agent sarin during the conflict. The destruction of Syrian chemical weapons eliminated the threat of escalation of the conflict and its extension to other countries.
Read more: Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons: The Next Step to the Global Chemical Disarmament