- volume: 2020
- number: 4
- type: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Focusing on current Malian conflict, the aim of the article is to demonstrate usefulness of the „Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project“ database for the analysis of intra-state conflicts. At the macro-level the paper analyzes geographical spread of the conflict and its key quantitative characteristics (numbers of fatalities stemming from different types of incidents). At the micro-level it focuses on Malian region Mopti. At this level the paper analyzes geographical distribution of various incidents and the interaction of the key armed groups operating within the region.
Read more: Analysis of the Malian conflict dynamics – exploiting ACLED database
- volume: 2013
- number: 1
- type: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
In 2007 and 2010, this Czech Military Review Vojenské rozhledy published several articles, discussing analytical thinking and analytical methodologies in the field of military intelligence. The authors among others mentioned the methodology ACH, Analysis of Competing Hypotheses. The methodology is not suitable only for intelligence, but it can be used further for solving a variety of military decision-making problems. The article in its first part describes ACH philosophy, including some academic considerations both by supporters and critics to this methodology. The second part demonstrates an example of its implementation and usage during support other problems tied with decision-making in defence planning process. The method is simple to explain, but difficult to introduce to real practice. The article explains both the theory and modifications of ACH and underlines some pitfalls connected with putting methodology into practice.
Read more: Competing Hypotheses Analysis: Practical Applications
- volume: 2013
- number: 3
- type: Ostatní / Other
Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou poskytování humanitární pomoci. Analyzuje právní a sociální prostředí poskytování humanitární pomoci Armádou České republiky. Charakterizuje formy nestátních neziskových organizací působících v České republice, se kterými Armáda České republiky při poskytování humanitární pomoci může spolupracovat. Zabývá se specifiky poskytování pomoci a záchrany, zvláště příslušníků církví a náboženských skupin působících v rámci České republiky. V článku je také přehled vybraných církví s jejich stručnými charakteristikami.
Read more: Armáda České republiky a participace na poskytování humanitární pomoci (2)
- volume: 2018
- number: 1
- type: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
This article deals with one of the approaches to command - Mission Command – which can be seen as a dominant command philosophy in NATO nations and especially in the United States. This approach is considered as a very important in terms of possible responses to the challenges having impact on current and future security environment. Respective parts of this article describe the military causes and related historical consequences based on which the mentioned command philosophy had been constructed. The relevant parts describe basic principles of Auftragstaktik, developed and implemented by Prussian and later on by German military leaders which aim is to emphasize centralized intent and dispersed execution through disciplined initiative.
- volume: 2021
- number: 2
- type: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
This paper aims to explain the tension between the phenomenon of whistle-blowing and military values, embodied in core martial virtues of loyalty and courage, which are integral in all armies. By defining these virtues in the military context, the author demonstrates how expressing dissent in the military is not necessarily opposed to loyalty and courage, but rather that it is necessary if conflict of different loyalties is properly managed and if courage is properly understood. Only by ensuring that armed forces are led by those who truly understand military values and martial virtues, and that whistle-blowing can be both patriotic and heroic, can we strive for a lasting peace. By courageously expressing loyalty to his nation, institution and profession, a soldier may act heroically by blowing the proverbial whistle.
Read more: Martial Virtues and Whistle-Blowing: Loyalty Misplaced and Courage Misunderstood