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- Reakce autora ke komentáři prof. Jaroslava Komárka: 1. Zda článek… on Wednesday, 14 September 2022 09:26
- Nemohu souhlasit s komentářem, že článek je vysoce teoretický a… on Monday, 29 August 2022 21:19
- Dobrý den, já jsem absolvoval jeden rok ZVS v letech… on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:15
Missions and Tasks of ACR Logistics Since its Establishment till Present
The author discusses the issues surrounding the construction of modern logistic support for the Czech Army as it transforms from a conscript to an all professional force of agile, light forces, with high reliability and low support requirements. The basic philosophy is to create comprehensive system that would offer complex service for a commander in the field of materiel, technology and medical services. The logistics reform must be supported by enhancing communication systems (Information Logistics System) and by seeking the ways of rationale savings, to reach the highest level of compatibility with logistics systems of other NATO nations. "Time Based Competition" and "Time Compression" must be accepted at all levels of logistics system both in peace and field conditions. In the future, the security problems will be managed more by civilian means than by hard force. The goals will be political, economical and cultural. Those changing threats will ask logistic support to be more flexible, mobile, integrated, compact and precise. The author discusses the issues surrounding the construction of modern logistic support for the Czech Army as it transforms from a conscript to an all professional force of agile, light forces, with high reliability and low support requirements. The basic philosophy is to create comprehensive system that would offer complex service for a commander in the field of materiel, technology and medical services. The logistics reform must be supported by enhancing communication systems (Information Logistics System) and by seeking the ways of rationale savings, to reach the highest level of compatibility with logistics systems of other NATO nations. “Time Based Competition” and “Time Compression” must be accepted at all levels of logistics system both in peace and field conditions. In the future, the security problems will be managed more by civilian means than by hard force. The goals will be political, economical and cultural. Those changing threats will ask logistic support to be more flexible, mobile, integrated, compact and precise.- Poslani_a_ukoly_logistiky.pdf (5269 Downloads)
Hajna Petr
Prof. Ing. Peter Hajna, CSc., Col. (Ret), born in 1949. He is a graduate of the Military College of the Land Forces in Vyškov and Military Academy in Brno. He acted in logistic positions on the levels of military formation and division. From 1981 he is a teacher at the Military academy in Brno and Military College of the Land Forces in Vyškov. He was the head of the Department of Logistics, the Dean of the Faculty of Economy of the State and the Defense Logistics and in 2004 the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management oif the University of Defence. He deals with the issue of logistic support of the Czech Armed Forces, the NATO logistics and economic logistics. He is the author of several scientific projects and a wide range of scientific-research works and study materials. He publishes in the Czech Republic and abroad.
Country: Czech Republic