- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The paper solved changes in the legislation and the Analyse of continuance of the railway transport branch after the State of National Emergency announce or the State of War announce The analyse highlights on actual difference between documentation (the Operational Read- iness of National Territory) and real options. Longtime and gradual impacts in the entire domain decrease real possibilities of the system. The final step has been cancel of mobilization delivery for protecting and recovery of designated railway network without any measures. The paper offers possible solution of that situation.
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The article presents four possible dislocation options of military distribution points of accoutrements in the sector of Czech Armed Forces. The article assesses the impact of those options on the driving distance, total operation costs and the value of the stocks staff uniform shirts for men. There is defined simplified model and the calculation is used localization task on the base of these parameters. Analysis of the various options and their subsequent comparison is proposed optimal dislocation distribution points. In calculation the distance value will be determined based on knowledge of the coordinates of the localized objects. The final section is using a multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives selected the most appropriate option for distribution point of military accoutrements.
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The article presents four possible dislocation options of military distribution points of accoutrements in the sector of Czech Armed Forces. The article assesses the impact of those options on the driving distance, total operation costs and the value of the stocks staff uniform shirts for men. There is defined simplified model and the calculation is used localization task on the base of these parameters. Analysis of the various options and their subsequent comparison is proposed optimal dislocation distribution points. In calculation the distance value will be determined based on knowledge of the coordinates of the localized objects. The final section is using a multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives selected the most appropriate option for distribution point of military accoutrements.
- ročník: 1991
- číslo: 1
- stav: Recenzované / Reviewed
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
Článok sa zaoberá problematikou plánovania logistiky, ktoré predstavuje jednu zo siedmych plánovacích domén, prostredníctvom ktorých sa vykonáva obranné plánovanie v podmienkach rezortu Ministerstva obrany Slovenskej republiky. Autorka v rámci deskriptívneho výskumného problému hľadala odpoveď na otázku: Ako sa plánuje logistika v systéme obranného plánovania na rezortnej úrovni? Článok obsahuje výsledky teoretického
a empirického výskumu realizovaného na danú problematiku. Autorka objasňuje hlavné teoretické východiská skúmanej problematiky, bližšie popisuje metodiku plánovania logistiky v podmienkach rezortu ako aj aktuálne poznatky a skúsenosti z praxe, poukazuje na najvýznamnejšie problémy v danej oblasti a predkladá návrhy ich možných riešení. Pri spracovaní článku bola využitá najmä metóda analýzy, syntézy, indukcie, dedukcie a zovšeobecnenia.
- ročník: 2009
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The author discusses the issues surrounding the construction of modern logistic support for the Czech Army as it transforms from a conscript to an all professional force of agile, light forces, with high reliability and low support requirements. The basic philosophy is to create comprehensive system that would offer complex service for a commander in the field of materiel, technology and medical services. The logistics reform must be supported by enhancing communication systems (Information Logistics System) and by seeking the ways of rationale savings, to reach the highest level of compatibility with logistics systems of other NATO nations. "Time Based Competition" and "Time Compression" must be accepted at all levels of logistics system both in peace and field conditions. In the future, the security problems will be managed more by civilian means than by hard force. The goals will be political, economical and cultural. Those changing threats will ask logistic support to be more flexible, mobile, integrated, compact and precise.
The author discusses the issues surrounding the construction of modern logistic support for the Czech Army as it transforms from a conscript to an all professional force of agile, light forces, with high reliability and low support requirements. The basic philosophy is to create comprehensive system that would offer complex service for a commander in the field of materiel, technology and medical services. The logistics reform must be supported by enhancing communication systems (Information Logistics System) and by seeking the ways of rationale savings, to reach the highest level of compatibility with logistics systems of other NATO nations. “Time Based Competition” and “Time Compression” must be accepted at all levels of logistics system both in peace and field conditions. In the future, the security problems will be managed more by civilian means than by hard force. The goals will be political, economical and cultural. Those changing threats will ask logistic support to be more flexible, mobile, integrated, compact and precise.
Read more: Missions and Tasks of ACR Logistics Since its Establishment till Present