- ročník: 2013
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
V článku je představena případová studie systému logistické podpory pro město Kyjov, která vyžaduje evakuaci obyvatelstva, zajištění nouzového ubytování a stravování zasahujících osob integrovaného záchranného sboru a evakuovaných osob. Výsledkem studie je návrh aktualizace krizového plánu Kyjova.
Read more: Logistická podpora při zajištění stravování v krizové situaci (2)
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article presents possible approaches to solve problems of finding the optimum state of tactical activities within the level of small Engineer Units. The intention is, by elaborating of the partial engineer goal which is focussed on the area of engineer units’ tactics, to develop input data/ information needed for further development of mathematical models of the tactical activities. Subsequently, with the judgement on modelling outputs (applicability within C2 activities of staffs’ task force structures) from engineer unit tactics point of view, the article contributes to enhancing all of C2 processes effectiveness. The article also provides us with information about the range of facts relative with problems of selected engineer unit (counter-mobility task forces) deployment planning, and controlling. There can be also found inventory of activities appropriate for optimization.
Read more: Possibilities of Tactical Activities Optimization in the Framework of Engineer Units
- ročník: 2014
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article introduces a variant of alternative accoutrements provided to the soldiers of the Army of the Czech Republic to replenish and compensate individual standardized items. The article proposes changes in furnishing soldiers, so that they would take into account their individual occupational specialities and predominant types of used military uniforms. Even though the authors use a simplified model in this paper, the final version of accoutrement modification represents the updating of the current law regulations.
Read more: The Draft Proposal for Army Accoutrements Regulation
- ročník: 2017
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The paper deals with general aspects of problems of biological warfare agents and toxic industrial biologicals understanding from the point of view of protection against their effects and a possibility of specialists´ cooperation. The aim of the paper is to point to some problematic aspects of biological defense realization in connection to experiences from their historical usage. With the help of analysis of current strategical and operational documents and synthesis of available experiences from operational deployment of medical service and chemical corps units variants of optimization of current state have been proposed. These ones are main conclusion of the paper.
Read more: Some Aspects of Biological Defence in the Czech Armed Forces Conditions
- ročník: 2017
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
Read more: Některé aspekty ochrany proti biologickým látkám v podmínkách Armády České republiky (2)