- ročník: 2017
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The paper focuses on the topic of social work in the Czech Armed Forces, its possibilities and specific implementation. Based on the broad definition of the objectives of social work in an international context reflects the current status of social work with military personnel in the Czech Armed Force in the past 25 years. On the basis of two different surveys among professional soldiers, realized by different methods and at different stages of development of a professional army support the idea, that soldiers feel the lack of social work in the long term, and in the specific areas of their lives, which are inevitably professionally determined.
Read more: Military Social Work – Possibilities and Challenges in the Czech Context (2)
- ročník: 2017
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The paper focuses on the topic of social work in the Czech Armed Forces, its possibilities and specific implementation. Based on the broad definition of the objectives of social work in an international context reflects the current status of social work with military personnel in the Czech Armed Force in the past 25 years. On the basis of two different surveys among professional soldiers, realized by different methods and at different stages of development of a professional army support the idea, that soldiers feel the lack of social work in the long term, and in the specific areas of their lives, which are inevitably professionally determined.
Read more: Military Social Work – Possibilities and Challenges in the Czech Context (3)
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article deals with the integration of outside resources into the process of support Forces in Military operations. The crux of this work lies in the illustration of ‘place’ and the role of Civil Contracting Supports in the Combat Service system of Armed Forces. It also accentuates the sense and complexity of Combat Service Support. The article analyses the advantages. disadvantages and risks for utilizating Civil Contractors in armed conflicts. The text respects this and acknowledges the benefit from experience of the NATO Armies in this field. In the closing part the authors formulate recommendations for the later boom of ‘Combat Service’ theory and practice. The effect and benefit of this article lies first of all in its suggestion of criteria for the selection of contractors.
Read more: Cooperation of Civil and Military Logistics in Military Operations
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Příspěvek řeší zapojování vnějších zdrojů do procesu zabezpečování ozbrojených sil ve vojenských operacích. Těžiště práce spočívá v objasnění místa a úlohy civilní dodavatelské podpory v logistickém systému ozbrojených sil. Akcentuje význam a složitost logistické podpory. Dále jsou rozebrány výhody, nevýhody a rizika využívání civilních dodavatelů v ozbrojených konfliktech. Příspěvek zohledňuje a využívá zkušenosti armád NATO z této oblasti. V závěrečné části příspěvku jsou formulována doporučení pro další rozvoj logistické teorie a praxe. Výsledky a přínosy příspěvku spočívají především v návrhu kritérií pro výběr dodavatelů.
Read more: Spolupráce civilní a vojenské logistiky ve vojenských operacích (2)
- ročník: 2013
- číslo: 4
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The evaluation of consumed expenses of land vehicles lies in rating expenses spent on vehicles and on a level of unit training. The paper suggests both method and criteria for such evaluating. The deployment of this method is verifies on a case study the data taken from Logistics Information System database. In summary, this verification proved an excessive overshoot of operating parameters in training due to the less level of riding skills of units in question.
Read more: Establishing Cost Efficiency Criteria for Ground Military Vehicles