- ročník: 2010
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Computer-Aided Logistic Support (CALS) appeared for the first time in 1984 in a common study of US government and American defence industry. The study recommended using technical data in digital form. Further it was changed into Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support and in 1994 the acronym CALS was changed into Continuous Acquisition and Life-Cycle Support. At present we interpret CALS as the support to all automatized processes with fully digitalized data processing. Among its important tools belong LCC (Life-Cycle Costs) and risk management. It is a vast standardization strategy, covering the whole life cycle, via acquisition process, its support, innovation and product disposal. CALS is supposed to make acquisition procedures in the ACR more effective.
Read more: Employing CALS in Acquisition Process of the Czech Armed Forces
- ročník: 2020
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article studies possibilities of utilization of Global Navigational Satellite Systems Galileo and BeiDou in the Armed forces of the Czech Republic. It analyses its advantages, weaknesses and assets the army. The study is grounded in knowledge and experience of the Czech military geographic service and supports it with comparisons with already implemented systems GPS and GLONASS. European project Galileo brings for the most part independence on GPS and direct influence of the Czech Republic. Chinese system BeiDou provides individual alternative, although with limited access. In combination with multiconstelation receivers, they can substantially complement the current structure, make more accurate measurements and lower vulnerability to jamming and spoofing/deception. AČR may utilise benefits of the systems with modernisation of devices a by participation in development projects of global navigation.
Read more: Utilization of Galileo and BeiDou Systems in the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic
Host Nation Support (HNS) in the Context of International Air Forces Exercises in the Czech Republic
- ročník: 2015
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
The article analyses the Host Nation Support (HNS) planning process in five separate phases according to the NATO procedures. The author emphasizes the importance, purpose and result of every planning stage. The main objective of the article is to apply general rules to the concrete examples of international air forces exercises. The author further identifies his comprehension of HNS formed in the specific conditions of the 22th Helicopter Base. The logistic planning process analysis is based on the experience from exercises Ramstein Rover and Ample Strike held in the period of 2012-2014. The paper is focused on exercises preparatory stages that create the basis for a successful accomplishment of the executive part. The results of the article present the trend of planning responsibility delegation to the tactical level and define the specifics of adapted planning process. The author’s contribution may be used as a lead for the future application of the HNS concept.
- ročník: 2013
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
Moderní armáda by měla být schopna chránit životní prostředí v průběhu provádění operací zahrnutím ochrany životního prostředí do plánovacího a rozhodovacího procesu. Má chránit životní prostředí nejen v prostoru základen, ve výcvikových prostorech, ale nově i v celém operačním prostoru působení ozbrojených sil. O způsobech řešení oblasti environmentální bezpečnosti a tzv. risk managementu při předcházení vzniku nevratných škod na přírodních, kulturních a historických památkách pojednává tato studie.
Read more: Základy environmentální bezpečnosti ve vojenských operacích (2)
- ročník: 2010
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The idea of this enquiry into Czech Army logistics was to prove that even under hard conditions originated in permanently changing army concepts, the army logistics still keeps its high standard and responsibility. During transformation, an appropriate organization structure has been created, with working mechanism of logistics support, using motivated and rationale source exploitation. The purpose of an array of transformation in defence sector was to introduce not only new and effective army structure, compatible with NATO armies, but also to change the system of fi nancing forces. The funding ought to be more economical. The article is backed by a longterm study and observation of logistics development in defence sector.
Read more: The Evaluation of Development in the Institutional Area of Logistics