- ročník: 2020
- číslo: 2
- typ článku: Vědecký / Research
The paper presents selected knowledge and findings of the sociological survey, which was focused on identifying the needs and problems of modern war veterans leaving the military service in 2018. The findings of the research point to recurrent problems in communication and information transmission to the ending soldiers in their service as well as the lack of information in relation to the resort's offers of care and assistance to war veterans. The subjects involved in the war veteran care system do not always have full current information, which may lead to negative reactions and attitudes of some military personnel that the setting system does not adequately respond to soldiers’ problems and needs, especially before leaving military service.
Read more: Current Problems and Needs of Modern War Veterans (sociological research)
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: Mimořádné číslo
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
A major challenge in defence planning is to establish a clear audit trail between security challenges, political ambitions and the recommended force structure. This paper describes a capability- and scenario-based methodology combined with a software toolset called JDARTS that gives long term defence planners a systematic approach to create links from high level security challenges to force structure recommendations. The security challenges are represented by mission types exemplified by scenarios which give concrete requirements. These requirements are represented by capabilities which are matched against the capabilities of force structure elements. The matching is a selection process where the outcome is the cheapest set of the force structure elements that fulfil the requirements. The JDARTS-software supports this method. Even though the future is uncertain, the defence planner’s job is to help decision makers prioritize between economic constraints, national preparedness and international commitment.
Read more: Analytical Support to Norwegian Long-Term Defence Planning
- ročník: 2016
- číslo: Mimořádné číslo
- typ článku: Ostatní / Other
Read more: Analytická podpora dlouhodobého obranného plánování v Norsku(3)
- ročník: 2022
- číslo: 3
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article presents a summary of analytical outcomes aimed at mapping current NATO and EU approaches to capability planning and their impact on national planning processes, which were carried out by security and defence institutions. The outcomes point out the fact that significant number of NATO nations and EU member states are using approaches to capability planning which reflect specifically national strategic objectives. It is of note that no country has implemented procedures that could be considered as standardised in terms of a single planning process within NATO or the EU. On the other side, analyses point out the fact that NATO and EU planning processes can be hardly expected to be unified in the short term. Nevertheless, NATO and EU member countries should pay close attention to the outputs of their national planning processes in order to comply with the single set of capability requirements as implemented in the relevant NATO and EU planning processes.
- ročník: 2018
- číslo: 1
- typ článku: Přehledový / Peer-reviewed
The article thematically completes a series of articles which subject was to present outcomes of analyses focused on national as well as NATO and EU capability planning processes. Synthesis of analysis outcomes resulted in conceiving a methodologic framework for military capability assessment, whereas the first phase of this framework, i.e. configuration of the national capability requirements database, has been already described in the previous edition of the Czech Military Review. So this article details final phases of the proposed methodological framework, which are set of reference units and mechanism for matching capability requirements against current state capabilities. The key outcome of capability matching phase is identification of capability shortfalls and their subsequent prioritisation. The level of priority is expressed as a degree of operational risk and relates to an expected intensity of operational engagement of force units in military operations. This approach stems from the principle of the capability assessment process which shall be carried out by military experts and which deals exclusively with an expected military end-state in operations.